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Yoga + Acupuncture and Brunch

To Register. Minimum Requirement of 4 attendees. Pre-registration is required. Please note Date and location you plan to attend

What better way to start your morning than with the union of Yoga + Acupuncture and Brunch?

Kamie Slegers, yoga therapist and Ayurvedic practitioner, will lead you through a guided meditation that will begin your 60 minutes of gentle yoga flow to bring balance and flexibility into your body. During class, you will use a variety of props to support you along your yoga journey. Surrender into a supportive restorative pose for the last 30 minutes and receive a facial massage with lovely local oils. Noah Frohlich, L.A.C. will provide distal acupuncture while you rest and release non-essentials, making space for the things that serve you best. After class you will get to enjoy a home cooked Ayurvedic meal.

You will leave class feeling inspired, supported and relaxed. There is no need to have any prior yoga experience. This class is designed for all levels. Pre-registration is required.


  • Menu will be released on the Wednesday before each session.
  • Please note any food allergies or specifications 24 hours in advance.
  • Must register 24 hours in advance, so that Kamie can purchase groceries for the event.
  • Minimum Requirement of 4 attendees, Maximum of 8.
  • Workshop will be held at Kamie’s Home in NE Mpls – Address will be released after registration.

22 September
Saturday @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am



Kamie Slegers


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