LIVE! Kick Start Q & A Meeting: TBA
Weekly break down
Week #1: Building a Foundation.
Your day starts with the previous night. We will look at your morning and evening routines. I call this my “bookend philosophy.” The habits that you create to start and end your day will have an impact on your life.
Week #2: Find your rhythm.
Now that we have a week under our belts, we will continue to add practices to keep the ball rolling in the right direction. “Keep it simple” is the key to success. In Ayurveda, we talk about the smallest changes done consistently over a period of time to make the most significant impact! Let's make that impact together!
Week #3: Move a little more.
No matter the weather, we will explore how short and sweet workouts and daily movement are better than three longer workouts per week. We will continue to examine supportive habits and remove those that no longer serve our transformational journey.
Week #4: You did it!
You are on your last week! Together we will look at what areas still need a bit more support. We will address any questions concerning nutrition.
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