“Be still. Listen. What is your soul saying? ”
– Kamie Slegers

What is flowing through your veins?
How many of us have felt stuck or feel stuck right now? We may or may not have a job that we love, a supportive relationship, thriving spiritual practice, or a healthy lifestyle. I know I go through seasons of this. The ebb and flow of life can be complicated. And even more problematic for those of us that thrive on personal growth and exploration.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a doctor. The route to a medical practice seemed daunting and didn’t ring true for what I wanted to do with my life. So, I decided on a different path that came very naturally to me: physical fitness. Although personal training was an obvious career choice for an athlete, it did not meet my desire to lead my clients to optimal wellness.
After only a year as a personal trainer, I felt stuck and bored.
I sat down one night and looked at my options. I was doing well, and it came naturally, but it didn’t get me excited to do it for the rest of my life. What else did I enjoy? What made my soul sing?
Yoga, I loved teaching yoga. I loved how it made me feel, and I loved watching my students progress. So I decided that I was going to pursue yoga therapy.
The next progression resulted in the medicine side of yoga, which is Ayurveda. I had a passion for anatomy, physiology, human movement, gardening, and using food as medicine. Ayurveda combines all of the science with ancient treatment methods and implements proper nutrition, a balanced lifestyle, herbs, and movement to prevent, treat, and heal illnesses.
Ahhhhhh, I found my life’s purpose.
I am grateful that my courage, curiosity, and willingness to listen to soul desire took me to Eastern medicine. I have the opportunity to guide people without the limitations of a Western medical practice and the logistics of pharmaceuticals. I am honored to use Ayurveda and yoga therapy’s ancient practices to support humanity’s humanness along with our relationship to the natural world as a guide to health and wellness.
I understand that my evolution has a purpose when I venture to listen to my soul, and my energy flows through my veins and leads me to the next phase of life. This doesn’t mean that I am free from distractions or fear. My past often tries to pull me back to the shadows. I emerge from these darker places and take the next step. When I feel stuck, I reach deep inside and ask what I can do right then to move me forward. What is the one step I can take?
Each of us carries possibilities and is given experiences to grow to become better versions of ourselves to impact the world. It might seem small for some of us, but as we say in Ayurveda, “The smallest changes over time make the most significant impact.” Each of our experiences takes us to different possibilities. We have the choice to stay where we are or to adapt and evolve.
What energy flows through your veins?
When we dare to sit still, listen, and then take action, we advance from remaining ordinary to become extraordinary!
The Practice: Recording Coming Soon!!
- Grab a journal or a piece of paper.
- Sit in a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes. Notice your Breath.
- Take a moment and ask yourself, what do I want to be in this life? What do I want to do in my professional life?
- Jot down some notes.
- Close your eyes again. Notice your breath.
- Ask yourself: Who do I want in my life? Who brings character and encourages me to be the best that I can?
- Jot down some notes.
- Close your eyes again. Notice your breath.
- Ask yourself: What do I want for my health? Is my lifestyle preserving my health and future vitality?
- Jot down some notes.
- Close your eyes again. Notice your breath.
- Ask yourself: what step can I take in the direction of my desires? Personal and professional?
- Jot down some notes.
- Close your eyes again. Notice your breath.
- Take your hands and place them on your heart center.
- Repeat out loud or to yourself.
- May I be free from fear the pulls me into the shadows.
- May I listen to my authentic voice.
- May I have the courage to make small but positive changes in my life.
- May I take action toward the life that I desire.
- May I live in peace.
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